Thursday, January 30, 2014

5 months!

I thought that I had posted the 5 month post... but I never did! Oops! Baby brain! Well, here it is.... a month late ;)

This month Mason started napping regularly through the day and is still sleeping through the night (roughly 10 hours a night). Although he isn't much of a napper, there are days where he will have one big nap and the rest very small. Other days, he will nap every half hour for ten minutes (those days aren't so fun!). He slept in his crib this month for the first time. He has found his feet and also rolls over onto his belly. He can sit up in his highchair and can sit on the floor and play. This month Mason learned how to splash in the bath tub and unfortunately his teething is getting worse. 

Every month is my new favorite age, it is just so exciting to see all the new things he can do. This month was really exciting because of the sitting up and the rolling! It was great to see the gradual lead up to it and then one day BAM! he's got it! 

Age: 5 months
Length: 65 cm's
Weight: 14 lbs, 7 oz.
Clothes: 3-6 months
Food: Lots and lots of breast milk
Hair: Blonde (eyelashes & eyebrows too)
Eyes: Blue
Other features: Long legs, pouty lips, cowlick, long eyelashes, chubby cheeks, long fingers, small feet

6 months to come REALLY soon.... this time I won't forget! 

Monday, January 6, 2014

Recapping 2013!

Happy New Year!! It's the last day of a very long year (being pregnant for a good chunk of it)..but I am sad to see it go as it was a good one! I know 2014 will be even better as we get to watch Mason grow and experience new things.

Here is my recap of 2013:

In January we shared with our family & friends that we were pregnant and my nephew Lincoln was born.

In February, my niece Alyse celebrated her first birthday party... and I celebrated the end of my morning sickness... yay! ;)

In March-May, I worked hard with my cheer team and they placed second in all competitions and Provincials too! I also learned that my brother was having a baby GIRL.

In June, I finished my last course of my undergrad degree and my family threw me a baby shower. We also welcomed a new niece into our family as my sister-in-law adopted. I also drug my very large pregnant self to PEI to see Ludacris & Our Lady Peace in concert with friends.

In August (the best moment of the year), my son Mason was born. He changed our lives forever.

In September, my niece Charlee turned 2 years old, and I turned 25! My brother's little girl Heidi was born.

In October I graduated from university... finally! And we celebrated Mason's first holidays. 

2013 was an AMAZING, LIFE-CHANGING year for us, bring on 2014!! HAPPY NEW YEAR!

From October-December we celebrated three of Mason's first holidays... Thanksgiving, Halloween & Christmas!


Mason's 1st Christmas

Christmas came and went so fast... it's over already! This year was a real different experience since we have Mason AND because we had NO power from the 23rd to the 27th. Real interesting that's for sure! We cancelled our Christmas Eve party but it still happened anyway, people showed up... and thanks to my grandfathers generator we were able to have some lights and a working fridge. It wasn't like it usually is, but it was time with family nonetheless. Christmas morning was a blast! I loved seeing Mason's reaction to all the commotion and he loved all his new toys. We went to my mother-in-law's afterwards and it was too cold to stay long since they didn't have heat. Then we made our way to my mom's house and opened our gifts there. From there we went to my grandmothers for Christmas dinner and saw the rest of the family. After that we went to my grandfathers house and spent some time with my dad and him. It was a busy and hectic day but great!