Monday, August 8, 2016

Gracie's Birth Story

I haven't posted in 2 years and a lot has changed since September 2014!! We now have another little baby who is going on 9 months in a few days! I was in school full time when we found out I was pregnant so maintaining a blog among many other things (coaching, school, Mason, photography) was just not possible! I wanted to come here to post Grace's birth story so that I can look back at it when she is older (not that I will forget... but it is still nice to read).

Like with Mason, my labour did not start on it's own the second time around... but it was a much better experience for us all around. I'll start at the beginning!

Around Halloween, when I was 37 weeks (full term), I started feeling differently. The exhaustion was unreal, and I started feeling very drained and weak. I can't really put into words how I was feeling. A few hours after my doctor appt with a different phsyician (mine was away AGAIN: happened with Mason too), I was sure my water broke. I walked in to Value Village, stopped to talk to an old friend and her mom, walked out of the store, jumped into my car and a big gush of water happened. I was SURE that it broke. I called my mom and she went with me to the hospital while my grandmother kept Mason. At the hospital they did some tests and the first one showed positive, so they did some more. They arrived at the conclusion that my water had not broken. I was very worried about this because I knew from experience that if it was broken (which I knew it HAD!) that I could get an infection. I went home and went about my life as normal... still exhausted and still not feeling very well every day. The next week when my Doctor returned from vacation (9 days after the hospital tests), I went to my scheduled appointment. I told him what happened and what I thought and he told me that he was sending me up to the hospital and going to get them to run the tests again but this time with an additional test that would definitely pick it up if my water had indeed broken. I had a feeling that I would be kept at the hospital because I KNEW my water was broken and that they would pick it up this time with that last additional test he ordered so I told my grandmother (who was with me) that I wanted to go eat lunch before we went there. I stuffed my face at a lunch buffet and then went up to the hospital. They put me in the same room as my first labour and I was feeling awful about that (such bad memories!!!). Sure enough, the tests revealed that my water had broken and they asked me questions about when it happened. I told them that nothing had changed since the week before when I was tested originally and because they were worried I would get an infection (DUH) they checked me in to stay. The plan was to induce me and get labour started because my water had already been broken for NINE days. Well. They started the process around 2pm and eventually it got so late that my family went home and only Joel and I were left. I said goodbye to Mason and gave him a hug and kiss and told him that the next time I saw him he would be a big brother and baby would be here! We were all excited to find out whether the baby was a boy or a girl!

The labour still did not start. I went hours and hours and hours hooked up without any contractions and then they started around 3am Friday. I was so tired from being awake, and the pain had finally started, but I didn't have the energy for it at that moment. Thankfully, around 6am, a nurse came in and unhooked me and told me to get some sleep and eat some food because they were going to try it again later in the morning. Around 9:30/10 am they got me hooked up. I didn't feel anything for a couple of hours... and then one of the nurses told me to go for a walk. My mom and grandmother were waiting in the waiting room and we chatted with them a little bit and then we went back to the room. My contractions finally started around 2:30 pm. They started getting longer and more painful and the nurses suggested that if I wanted the epidural I should get it before the Dr. on the floor became the anesthesiologist for the entire hospital at 4:30 pm. Based on past experience I decided that I wanted the epidural. The doctor came around and gave me my epidural just before he went on call for the rest of the hospital. From that point on I slept mostly. Unlike my first labour I was in control of the epidural and anytime I felt I needed more I would push a button and control it. This was perfect because the first time I felt like I could feel it all and that it wasn't working because the nurse would not top it up.

I had stressed my concerns to the nurses about my previous labour and they made sure to tell the doctor how I was feeling about it (he was the same doctor from the first time- scary!). He came in and talked to me about it and said he was going to do his best to make sure I didn't experience anything like that again. From that point on he just sat in the room with us and didn't leave once (as opposed to the first time where he was never in the room!). The only pain I was having was I felt like my ribs were going to crack from the baby's feet being pushed against them during every contraction. Around 5:30/6 he asked me if I could feel anything at all and I said that I could feel a little bit of pressure when the contractions came but mostly just in my ribcage. He decided to check again for dilating because I was only at 3cm's the hour before. He checked and all I remember was him saying "the head is right there, get everything ready!". He got his scrubs on, the spotlight came on and they prepped me. Instead of the nightmare that I had at this point with Mason, everything was so much better. I started pushing and it was fine! The nurses were joking around with us and I felt comfortable and in so much less pain!! They were all making their bets on the gender and I was getting very anxious to find out! I also was a bit panicked because I really wanted to have the baby before these nurses ended their shifts at 7:30 and it was already 7. I pushed for 20 minutes with every contraction and pushed once more without a contraction because baby was stuck with their hand on their face and VOILA! baby GIRL was born! The nurse put her arms in the air with excitement over it being a girl and I bawled like a baby because I couldn't believe it! We had one of each, oh my gosh. I was holding my breath and I didn't even care in the moment what the baby was I was just listening for a cry... PLEASE let the baby cry! She cried and it was BEAUTIFUL (lol)! Instead of the scary scene that came along with Mason being born it was so nice. They passed her to me, I got to hold her right away, and then she got to come with us into our room instead of being shipped to the NICU for a couple of days. Everyone (except for my grandmother and mother!) was so surprised that it was a girl!

Our 6 lb, 8 oz. baby girl Grace Briar Vail was born at 7:20 pm on November 13th, 2015 (almost on Daddy's birthday and a whole week early) and it was all so amazing! Mason met his baby sister and it was love at first sight. They have been inseparable since and she has completed our family and filled my heart.

Sunday, September 21, 2014

12 months

I thought I was busy before... HA! I started school in late August and I haven't stopped to breathe just yet. Most of my days are filled with driving an hour and some to school, attending classes, driving home from school (another hour and some), cooking dinner, soaking up as much time with Mason as possible, cleaning up, putting him to bed, spending time with Joel doing homework, and then crashing zzzzzzzzzzz. I get tired just reading it. I have been really trying hard to not focus on it all or I will get so depressed about it all. But! I should be happy I am finishing school, so I try not to think about the daily routine and how little time I am spending with my family :(

I didn't forget to post Mason's 12 months stats... I just have.not.have.any.time. So, here it is!! 

This month, Mason is RUNNING! He is hilarious and so entertaining. I can literally just sit and watch him play and I will be fully amused. He thrives on laughter and repeat things over and over if he knows you will laugh. He is also getting quite saucy and knows the word NO, and how to do it anyway ;) 

He has so many teeth but he makes it impossible to count them all. He can now climb stairs and it is the scariest thing. He climbs his book shelf in his room. He chases the dog with sticks and thinks he is the world's strongest baby. Then there are times where he grabs me and kisses me or hugs me and says mama and I know he is the sweetest baby alive. <3 

 Age: 12 months
Length: 74 cm's
Weight: 20 lbs, 7oz.
Clothes: Mostly 12 month clothes but some 12-18. 
Food: He loves all food and he is drinking whole milk throughout the day out of his cup like a big, big boy. He lost the bottle at probably.... 11 months I would say! Transitions with him are EASY! 
Hair: blonde, one curl in the back but mostly straight on top
Eyes: big and blue!

I will probably stick to yearly or half-year updates since he won't be changing as quick and I am having a hard time just keeping up with my everyday life. I will post exciting events such as holidays and fun things we do as a family. :) 

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Mason's Superman Birthday Party!

My baby boy, who was just a little wee one in my arms not that long ago, is ONE whole year old......... I don't know where I was this entire year, but it does not seem possible. I loved every minute of the past year, and it is a bittersweet moment when you realize your baby is one, and not so little anymore. I am glad he is healthy, and growing, and that I get to experience new things with him at every stage of life, but I will miss the newborn/baby cuddles, and all of those experiences. 

He is such a big boy now! He is walking running around the house like he owns the place, chasing the dog, eating pretty much everything that we eat (unless it's unhealthy of course), and he is by far the funniest child ever! The things he does are so hilarious and we are constantly laughing. We love every moment with him and he is the best part of every day for us. 

For his first birthday party... I knew what I wanted to do about a month or so after he was born. I had almost the entire party planned in my head and on Pinterest before Christmas, so it was easy to figure out the details. We decided to go with a Superman theme, since we all call him SuperMason. It wasn't easy to find Superman party items, so I planned to make most of it. I started gathering supplies and making things weeks before so I wouldn't be swamped and unable to enjoy the last little bit of my maternity leave with him. I am sooo happy with how everything turned out... enjoy the photos! :)

 A banner displaying his monthly photos I took from 1-11, ending with his cake smash photo and a banner I made by cutting triangles out of comic books.

His highchair, backdrop (for photos of course!), and his birthday crown (made with felt and a glue gun)! The canvas will be used in his big boy room in the future, but I thought it made a cute addition to a blank wall! 

This is my cake table backdrop... yes, that is a baby Mason flying in the sky (from his newborn photoshoot). It took awhile to glue and cut all of this, but I am so glad we did it :)

I saw this idea on Pinterest and had to have it at his party! It's a guestbook, which I think is a GREAT idea, so he can look back and see who was at his first birthday party :)

 I chose to use Mason jars as part of the theme... and I think it turned out really well. Fun fact: The "table runner" is from an old pair of pj pants I had as a kid! :)

 Rock candy as Kryptonite. I made little signs for all the food with Superman related titles like "Smallville Sandwiches", "Krypton Kabobs", and "Super Strength Salads". 

Mason's very own Smash Cake. He really smashed it. 

The cake for the rest of the party guests! 

Keeping with our chalkboard theme to record all of his details before and after birth, here are Mason's 1 year old stats! Plus, I was excited to use my new chalkboard :)

My sister-in-law made Mason his very own Superman cape! It was so so so so cute. I die. 

All of the sweets and a Happy Birthday banner I made.

I cannot believe my Super Mason is ONE! Ah! 

11 months!

WAY behind on posting this... but here it is!! 

Mason is 11 months old. Crazy, crazy, crazy! It just blows my mind on a new level every single month. He gets older, he can do more, and it's just craziness all around!! 

This month, Mason took his first steps! I knew this boy would be walking before he turned 1. He also grew FOUR teeth in four weeks! I don't know if that is normal or not, but woah. The best part is, you would have never even known he was teething and he was growing four of those bad boys! 

Mason said mama FINALLY... and I love him so much! Sometimes I look at him and just think, I have the BEST baby ever, I am the LUCKIEST mom ever! :) 

 Age: 11 months
Length: 74 cm's
Weight: 20 lbs
Clothes: Mostly 12 month clothes
Food: He loves all food and he is drinking whole milk throughout the day
Hair: blonde
Eyes: blue

I love this big boy!!

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Family Photos!

My sister-in-law Vanessa took our family photos a week or so ago. I AM IN LOVE with them. We went during the golden hour right before the sun sets and the photos are so amazing. Check them out!! 


THANK YOU SO MUCH Vanessa!!! <3 

Sunday, June 22, 2014

10 Months!

Mason is 10 months old........... Wow! This month he has learned so many new things that it is amazing to watch. He can wave hi & goodbye, he can stand up holding onto things and takes some steps holding onto his toy music table (without knowing he is!). He is quite the little dancer. When one his tunes comes on he dances up a storm. He flaps his arms and gets up on one knee and bounces, it is hilarious. He really loves to dance to two songs in particular: 1-This Is How We Roll-Florida Georgia Line, and 2-Fancy-Iggy Azalea. Funny kid. 

This month, another tooth came in for a total of 2 bottom teeth! He is eating lots of chunky foods and a lot less purees (other than his cereal and the odd fruit or veggie). 

This month, summer is here... and it has been fun to get out and do things with him. We have gone on walks, a trip to the zoo with Nanny, played in his baby pool... it is great to not be stuck inside or be bundle up to go out!! We're so excited to go camping and take him to the beach this Summer. 

 Age: 10 months
Length: 73 cm's
Weight: 19 lbs, 3 oz.
Clothes: Some 9 month, some 12 month.
Food: He loves all food. 
Hair: blonde
Eyes: blue

This month, Mason even got to go to Prom! 

Stay tuned for 1st birthday party planning posts!! It's soon!! 

Thursday, May 22, 2014

My First Mother's Day

It's getting hard to keep up with these posts on time... but I do always manage to get them here eventually ;)

This Mother's Day was special because it was my first! It was such a great day. My hubby made me breakfast and let me sleep in while he fed Mason. Then they surprised me with this little set up. 

It was so thoughtful and I just loved it all. The rest of the day was spent taking my mom out to dinner and visiting my mother-in-law. 

Overall, it was a fantastic day!