Sunday, September 21, 2014

12 months

I thought I was busy before... HA! I started school in late August and I haven't stopped to breathe just yet. Most of my days are filled with driving an hour and some to school, attending classes, driving home from school (another hour and some), cooking dinner, soaking up as much time with Mason as possible, cleaning up, putting him to bed, spending time with Joel doing homework, and then crashing zzzzzzzzzzz. I get tired just reading it. I have been really trying hard to not focus on it all or I will get so depressed about it all. But! I should be happy I am finishing school, so I try not to think about the daily routine and how little time I am spending with my family :(

I didn't forget to post Mason's 12 months stats... I just have.not.have.any.time. So, here it is!! 

This month, Mason is RUNNING! He is hilarious and so entertaining. I can literally just sit and watch him play and I will be fully amused. He thrives on laughter and repeat things over and over if he knows you will laugh. He is also getting quite saucy and knows the word NO, and how to do it anyway ;) 

He has so many teeth but he makes it impossible to count them all. He can now climb stairs and it is the scariest thing. He climbs his book shelf in his room. He chases the dog with sticks and thinks he is the world's strongest baby. Then there are times where he grabs me and kisses me or hugs me and says mama and I know he is the sweetest baby alive. <3 

 Age: 12 months
Length: 74 cm's
Weight: 20 lbs, 7oz.
Clothes: Mostly 12 month clothes but some 12-18. 
Food: He loves all food and he is drinking whole milk throughout the day out of his cup like a big, big boy. He lost the bottle at probably.... 11 months I would say! Transitions with him are EASY! 
Hair: blonde, one curl in the back but mostly straight on top
Eyes: big and blue!

I will probably stick to yearly or half-year updates since he won't be changing as quick and I am having a hard time just keeping up with my everyday life. I will post exciting events such as holidays and fun things we do as a family. :)