Sunday, August 4, 2013

Due Date- No Baby!

Well, our due date came and went and STILL no baby! I am now officially "overdue". I know by this time next week we will have our little one but it is not easy waiting patiently!  I am starting to get nervous about whether I will be induced or whether I will go into labour on my own. My next dr's appt is in 3 days and the doc said she will do a membrane sweep and get things going then. I would still much rather prefer everything to happen on it's own but we're running out of time... I have three days to do this without any medical intervention at all lol.  If the sweep doesn't work then inducing is an option. I know "they" (who is they?!) say that it will happen when you least expect it, but how can you not be expecting it at every moment?! 

Hopefully this baby is just waiting for the perfect time/moment and is going to come on it's own... 

Meanwhile, we sit. and wait. and twiddle our thumbs. and stare at the walls. and do laps at the mall. AND this................

UPDATE: After a trip to the dr's today and a nice membrane sweep we now have some hope! She said things should get started within 24-48 hours (if it worked). If it doesn't work... then I will be induced Monday probably!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Courtney,

    Why do you think they'll induce you so early? Your due date is just an estimate. I know it's hard to wait but you are so much better off if you can go into labour on your own. If there is now medical reason, I would strong suggest you hold off on induction. Best of luck! I hope things goes smoothly for you and I can't wait to find out if it's a boy or a girl :)
