Mason is 6 months old.... HALF A YEAR!! I don't know where the time went?! I say it every month, I know, but this time... I can't believe it! The last 6 months definitely went by in a flash!!
We have hit a major teething month. He is fussy, cranky, and just generally not himself. Although, I say he is all of these things... he is still really well behaved. He is SUCH a good baby, and we got very lucky (I'm sure I will be eating my words with his future sibling!)
Recently he started to yell and the sound sounds a bit like a dolphin... it's really high pitched and happy. He started drinking water, eating foods, and just being a big boy all around :( When I look through old pictures I can't believe he is so big now! I have a full bin of his old clothing already... growing up SUCKS.
I think we are getting really close to having a mobile baby on our hands! If we put him down on his belly on the floor he pulls himself all around the room and can go quite a distance in a couple of minutes.
Age: 6 months
Length: 67 cm's
Weight: 16 lbs, 8 oz (as of the day after his 6 month mark)
Clothes: 6 months and getting tighter in length.
Food: Eggs, Chicken, Cereal, Milk (of course), Carrots, Bananas
Hair: Blonde (eyelashes & eyebrows too)
Eyes: Blue
Other features: Long legs, pouty lips, cowlick, long eyelashes, chubby cheeks, long fingers, small feet
I know the next 6 months will fly... so I'm going to soak it all up! :)