TWO MONTHS?! Say it isn't so?! How is my newborn baby so big already?! The difference in size and
personality is craziness!! He is now smiling when others smile, trying to mimic our faces and is finding his voice!
He lets out these loud coo's and little screams that are oh so cute! He's steals our heart over and over again on
a daily basis. It's bittersweet as he gets older because I love seeing all the new things he can do, but sad that he
is getting bigger and bigger fast!! Time goes way too quickly!
Age: 2 months
Length: 58 cms
Weight: 11 lbs, 10 oz
Clothes: Wearing 3 month clothing, all his newborn clothing are packed away :(
Food: Lots and lots of breast milk
Hair: Blonde (eyelashes & eyebrows too)
Eyes: Blue
Other features: Long legs, pouty lips, cowlick, long eyelashes, chubby cheeks
We are liking and using all the same favorites from the first month, but these are definitely being added to the list:
And we also picked up some wearable fleece blankets that can be used right up to 9months so definitely worth the money:
I'm sure there will be many more exciting things to post about in another 4 weeks... AH! Before we know it he will be walking and calling me mom! Slow down baby boy! <3