1. Pick out a canvas of the size/thickness that you want. Buy acrylic paint (the glossy stuff looks 100 times better) in the colors you want to use. I chose red, purple & black because it matches our room.
2. Take masking tape (the ugly green stuff in this picture), and tape the canvas into the designs you want. *The idea is that after you paint you will remove the tape and have white designs throughout your "painting".
3. Paint in sections. (I took a pencil and wrote which color I wanted to use in each section so there weren't too many red shapes next to red, purple next to purple, etc.)
4. Wait an hour and then do a second coat.
5. After your second coat has dried completely you can remove the tape. Be careful during this part or you will get paint from the tape onto the white lines.
After you do this you are finished and can hang your picture! This is my finished result:
I did a couple things wrong so you won't have to (hopefully)... I used 2 glossy paints and one non-gloss by mistake (I didn't realize there was even such thing as gloss acrylic paint, oops) so the red is not as pretty as the shiny purple & black. I also didn't pick a big enough canvas... the picture looks really small compared to the bed that it's hung over (make sure you measure your wall or get a big enough canvas!). And the worst mistake is that I left too much paint on one section but figured, hey, it's only on the tape so it won't matter when I peel it off.... wrong. In the left hand corner of the picture you can see some nice squiggly lines that occurred after I took the tape off and realized the clumps of paint had leaked through and the lines don't look as crisp as the rest do. If you take all these precautions I am sure you will have a masterpiece on your hands ;)