Tuesday, January 29, 2013

12 weeks!

3 MONTHS! Only 3 days until second trimester, bring it on! 

How far along? 12 weeks, 4 days
Total weight gain/loss: 2 lbs
Maternity clothes? Not yet

Stretch marks? No
Sleep: Sleeping was great..until last night, now it's just starting to get uncomfortable because I'm trying to force myself to sleep on my side instead of my stomach
Best moment this week: Telling friends & family :)
Have you told family and friends: Yes
Miss Anything? Nope
Movement: Too early still
Food cravings: Bagels & cream cheese, ice cream cake, oranges
Anything making you queasy or sick: Meat, and pretty much every other food that I'm not craving. It is slowly getting better though, my appetite is returning! 
Have you started to show yet: Yes... I have. I don't understand how that's possible, but see for yourself in the pic! Some days it looks more like I've eaten too many donuts, but others it looks like a BUMP. 
Gender prediction: Right off the bat I had a feeling it was a boy, then girl, now I think boy again
Labor Signs: No
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy or just a general BLAH feeling. 
Looking forward to: I'm looking forward to feeling kicks in a couple weeks!

Monday, January 28, 2013

Newest Addition to our Family!

On Saturday, January 26th at 4:54 a.m., the newest addition to our Vail family was born! Here is our beautiful nephew Lincoln Eric William! 

Photo credit to John Chardine
 Photo credit to John Chardine

First time being held by Uncle Joel! 

The proud mama & dada! 

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Nursery Inspiration

Yes, I am already decorating the nursery in my mind! I have been since day one! This is something I am so excited about. I have been browsing a lot of nurseries and getting a picture of what I want it to look like. I have already cleared out the room so that all that is left is the pink carpet (ick!) and puppy's dog bed. I think that room will remain the dog's room long after it becomes a nursery (she realllllllly loves babies)! I have decided on room colours already. Hopefully sometime very soon we will be laying the new floor so I can really get started!

I thought I would post some photos of the nurseries that I am using as inspiritation to make ours! It's a little trickier than I thought it would be to do a gender neutral room that isn't too girly or too boyish and not the usual green or yellow... just not a big fan of those colours in general. I've decided on light grey walls and turquoise/aqua as the other colour. I think maybe after the baby is born I will add purple accents for a girl and green for a boy... just maybe.

 I really like how the grey & turquoise look. I also really like the chevron curtains and bedding in the picture on the right. 

I am going with white furniture since the floors will be a dark wood and I don't want to match the floor. We also have white trim and doors so it was an obvious choice for me! Plus grey looks GREAT with white :)

I love elephants with this grey & turquoise scheme... and I found some CUTE bedding to match. The only thing is I don't want it to be too theme-y and have elephant overload. I'm thinking I want more along the lines of a stuffed elephant, a little bit of elephants on the bedding and maybe some artwork like this cute button one I'm going to try to make- but my main theme will just be the colours.

I do like these elephant items however and will have to find similar items for the nursery (in the right colours of course):

 On the left is the bedding I was leaning towards but with turquoise chevron blankets and a grey pillow with turquoise elephant. The mobile would have to be made with less ruffles to make it more neutral but I think it would be easy to DIY.

Another thing I love is anything added to the walls, not just art work, but decals, quotes, shelves, etc. I think I've decided on a tree decal and some book shelves like these:

I really like how the spice racks became book shelves and that the tree is pretty neutral and has shelves as branches, cute!

I've got my work cut out for me, good thing I have until August because most of it is DIY! I'll be sure to share my successes and failures of my art projects with you and post the before, during & after pics of the room!

These are just some more pictures I am gathering inspiration from:

Weekly Chalkboards!

Thanks to a wonderful thing called Pinterest, I got the idea to track my pregnancy week by week on a chalkboard! There will be many more of these posts to come (one every week!), but here is the official starting pic! 11.4 weeks pregnant...Due August 2013 :) 

Sunday, January 20, 2013

We're Pregnant!

Yes, it's true... we have a baby on the way! We are so excited!! I'm looking forward to everything baby/pregnancy related, ESPECIALLY the end of morning sickness & being exhausted ;) 

How far along? 11 weeks & 2 days
Total weight gain/loss: 2 lbs
Maternity clothes? I have only purchased a tummy sleeve (makes it possible to wear your jeans unbottoned!) 
Stretch marks? No
Sleep: Sleeping great
Best moment this week: hearing the heart beat for the second time! 
Have you told family and friends: We're working on it! Some know! 
Miss Anything? Nothing this week
Movement: Too early yet to feel it! 
Food cravings: This list would be really long if I wrote them all out for the week... but the main cravings have been: Apples,  Cheerios, Candy, Chocolate chip muffins, Salsa & Ice cream. 
Anything making you queasy or sick: Meat, and pretty much every other food that I'm not craving. It is slowly getting better though, my appetite is returning! 
Have you started to show yet: Looking pretty chubby and rocking unbuttoned jeans on a daily basis.
Gender prediction: Right off the bat I had a feeling it was a boy, now I think girl. 
Labor Signs: No
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy or just a general BLAH feeling. 
Looking forward to: Everybody finally knowing and having something really exciting to blog about ;) 

Here is our little babe 2 weeks ago, the heart beat was 174! :)

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Happy 2013!

It's a new year! 2013 is going to be a great year, I just know it! 2012 was a huge year for us... so let's take a look back at the moments that stick out in my mind as the best in 2012. 

2012 was our first full year living in our first house, an addition to the family, school, work, and of course- LOTS of wedding events! 

My first niece, Alyse was born on February 16th:

In March, one of the teams I coach won the biggest award given out at the competition: The MAX OUT award! The trophy was taller than me! 

In May, the other team I coach was runner-up at our Provincial competition...

...and my bridal party and family threw me 2 bridal showers.

In June, my bridal party threw me a bachelorette party!

July is when things got real crazy and we got married!!


A week later... we went on our honeymoon to Ocho Rios, Jamaica!

In the fall, things were really busy as I started school for the year and life returned to normal after the wedding & our vacation... and then Halloween came, we both turned 24 and Christmas (pics to come later!)... and before we knew it the year was over!