I'm just a little late with this posting but the pics were taken when he was 4 months old.
This month Mason decided he would like to sleep through the night EVERY single night which makes mama very happy! He is sleeping from roughly 10 pm to 7:30 am each night. He has started "talking" more and making a real racket sometimes ;) This month we took him swimming for the first time and because of it he now likes his bath (even splashes us!). He also went to a play group this month, and though he can't play, he looked around and smiled and listened to the songs and readings of books. Mason likes playing with his toys and has started putting them all in his mouth to ease his sore gums. One of the biggest moments this month was when he sat up by himself!! What a big boy :)
Age: 4 months
Length: 62 cms
Weight: 13lbs 8 oz
Clothes: Wearing some 3 month shirts, but 3-6 fits a lot better.
Food: Lots and lots of breast milk
Hair: Blonde (eyelashes & eyebrows too)
Eyes: Blue
Other features: Long legs, pouty lips, cowlick, long eyelashes, chubby cheeks
Other features: Long legs, pouty lips, cowlick, long eyelashes, chubby cheeks
Since I'm already two weeks into the 5th month I have to say I am enjoying it even more... he is constantly doing new things and it's so exciting!