Enjoy some of the pics from our party, people got real creative :)
DAY OF THE DEAD (her make-up took close to two and a half hours and she did it herself!)
MERMAID (her mom made this costume from scratch!)
MRS. PAC MAN (She made this costume herself!)
Even the pup dressed up as a pirate! (She refused to have her picture taken)
One of my favorite things from the party was the pumpkin dip, idea curtesy of Pinterest of course! Just cut the top off of a pumpkin, clean it out, fill with dip and put the cover back on!
And finally................ our Halloween costumes for 2012: POPEYE & OLIVE OYL!
Tonight I plan on staying home to give out treats to the whoppin' 5 kids who will make the long march down our driveway to get to us... and I'll probably watch Hocus Pocus because it is tradition... and I LOVE IT! Happy Halloween!